This blog updates at least weekly on any of the days below with the topics as follows:
On a Monday-Maniac Mondays = All Things that are All Things! Generally thoughts, ideas or tools we think can be useful to the personal or professional life.
On a Thursday-Tumultuous Thursdays = All Things Metaphysical
On a Friday-Funtastic Fridays = All Things Fun! (cartoons, stories about the Purple Elephant and the Little mouse...)
Studious Saturdays = All Things about the craft of fiction writing. Also we will give you little snippets about how our fantasy fiction novel in progress is going. Sometimes this can be told as a cartoon. We will be doing nanowrimo this year as well.

Also our Advent calendar will be happening this year as usual! Look for an interesting and new format!

For My Reincarnation Series

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Monday 24 December 2012

Advent Calendar 2012: Day 4 of The Christmas Adventures of the Purple Elephant and little mouse (Christmas Eve)

So by Day 4 of the Christmas Adventures of the Purple Elephant and little mouse it was already Christmas Eve and all the mouse's siblings had by then arrived and his parents had settled into the production house as well. The parents of the little mouse had gotten over their petty squabbling about cheese and was helping the little mouse to keep all his siblings at peace. However the little mouse was still counting on the owner of the production house to weave her magic or for some Christmas miracle to get all the mice now temporarily residing in the production house to agree and be at peace.

So the owner of the production house tried playing this from her favourite Christmas album: John Denver and the Mumpets- A Christmas Together:

And although it seemed to stir some place inside most of the mice...soon after the carol was done the bickering continued!

And it was only until several cheese plates were served and the mice sat down to watch this mouse in a starring role did peace seem to begin to kick in fully and the Christmas spirit seemed to be there as not a mouse stirred as they all were glued to the TV screen to look at this show!

Then when it ended one of the London mice (working to stop use of mice in laboratories) just spontaneously got up and sang Jingle Bells like so:

And when he was done the little mouse reminded everyone that it was almost midnight at the production house on Christmas Eve and so it was time for all to join in prayer...and this was the prayer that the little mouse said:


"Dear Lord,
It's been a long year
One in which I almost faded away
Imagine I was almost not here
But thank goodness I was saved

It all made me realize
How much I still have to do
And to remember all those
To whom I must say a big thank you

The owner of the production house
For coming back to me
And for saying sorry for not being around

To the best friend ever to this mouse
We all know who he is and what's in a name
But today I must officially say
I thank you dear God
For that Purple Elephant
With whom I share this house

And thank you dear Lord
For all my mice family
Who this year for Christmas
Are all with me

And finally dear Father
But certainly not least
I thank you for giving to us
This night a star
A star which we all followed
That led us to thee!"

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good night! :)

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