Picture taken at Suzhou sometimes called the 'Venice of China' or 'Venice of the East'. Copyright Meady's Musings Production, June 2010.
Since we here at Meady's Musings Production returned from China to our homeland we have been dreaming and dreaming and remembering our dreams in details and they have been stepping into our real life almost even! :) Perhaps it's all the row, row, row your boating that took place when we visited Suzhou in China as seen in picture above or perhaps we're just at that place in time...
But first of all I shall answer the question I left you all with last...where exactly is that muse? Well he's a bit shaken and still not himself 100% but I was able to track him down...he did indeed slip into a parallel world...in fact in that world no one ate manicous and he told me he feels as a result he found the answer to the question 'Me Eat Manicou?' LOL! But really I'm thankful to all the scientists who showed up to help me find him...with all their PhD glory! The professor from Sliders came, Doc from Back to the Future finally showed up (apparently he was in the year 2012 and not too happy as usual...he had some disturbing news for Marty!Awww!...what we would give to glimpse 1985 again!)but I was particularly impressed that he also went back in time and brought back to the future for me the original professor from Gilligan's Island! OMG!
But anyway now that my muse is at hand let me get on with the topic at hand...Dreams and Dreaming and to ponder the question is life but a dream? Like the nursery rhyme goes...
" Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream. "
Now as I said my muse is back but still not 100% so there is much for me to say on this topic and I won't try to say much today or about all of my adventures in one go! So we're going to start another ongoing series on Meady's Musings! Yippy! It's going to be called 'Dreams and Dreaming'
So for tonight on this Tumultuous Thursday I will leave you to your dreams...whatever they may come but hopefully they are sweet! :) And I will simply give you a taste of things to come in the new series.
-Stories from my dreams
-Discussions on the ever going philosophical question...is life but a dream? For when I wake up having dreamt a butterfly...am I a woman dreaming I am a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I'm a woman?
-Lucid dreaming and I might ask some of my friends to guest blog for this as they are more expert on it than I!
-Are dreams a connecting place? For past lives? Parallel worlds? The infinite divine? What about telepathic connections during dreams...do estranged lovers truly meet in their dreams?
So tune in folks to my dreams that is! :) And for now the series will take place under Maniac Mondays, Tumultuous Thursdays and Funtastic Fridays until all the dream stories are done! But each day will capture the topic in the normal style in which it is written so for instance on Funtastic Fridays expect cartoons on the topic and lighthearted banter, while on Maniac Mondays expect more of the dream stories and on Tumultuous Thursdays expect us to dive deep into the metaphysical and technical side of dreams and dreaming...so you might learn the most about lucid dreaming for instance on that day!
Anyway goodnight my dear readers and sweet dreams to you my friends! :)
So let's discuss our dreams! You are welcome to write in and tell us about yours too! :)
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